Admissions Review Questionnaire

    Responses to this questionnaire have no impact on your admission to the University. Your answers may be used to inform future admission practices and communication but your personal information and identity are not shared. If you have any questions about the survey contact your admissions counselor.

    How much education do you expect to get during your lifetime?
    How much education do you expect to get during your lifetime?
    There are some students who start college but leave before earning their degrees. If this should happen to you, what would be the most likely cause?
    There are some students who start college but leave before earning their degrees. If this should happen to you, what would be the most likely cause?
    Respond to the statements below with your feelings at present or with your expectations of how things will be.
    Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following items.

    When I believe strongly in something, I act on it.
    When I believe strongly in something, I act on it.
    People can easily change my mind on a subject through thoughtful discussion.
    People can easily change my mind on a subject through thoughtful discussion.
    My prior academic experience doesn’t really reflect on what I can do.
    My prior academic experience doesn’t really reflect on what I can do.
    It should not be hard to get a B (3.0) average at Portland State.
    It should not be hard to get a B (3.0) average at Portland State.
    I have the same amount of potential as the average applicant to Portland State.
    I have the same amount of potential as the average applicant to Portland State.
    The University should use its influence to improve social conditions in Oregon.
    The University should use its influence to improve social conditions in Oregon.
    There is no use in doing things for other people, it will not benefit you in the long run.
    There is no use in doing things for other people, it will not benefit you in the long run.
    I expect to have a harder time than the typical Portland State student.
    I expect to have a harder time than the typical Portland State student.
    I expect I will encounter racism or discrimination at Portland State.
    I expect I will encounter racism or discrimination at Portland State.
    I want a chance to prove myself academically.
    I want a chance to prove myself academically.
    I get discouraged when I try to do something and it doesn't work.
    I get discouraged when I try to do something and it doesn't work.
    Once I start something, I finish it.
    Once I start something, I finish it.
    If I run into problems concerning school, I have someone close to me who would listen to or help me.
    If I run into problems concerning school, I have someone close to me who would listen to or help me.
    I have a support group encouraging me to attend college
    I have a support group encouraging me to attend college
    I am sometimes looked up to by others.
    I am sometimes looked up to by others.
    In groups or situations where I am comfortable, I am often looked to as the leader.
    In groups or situations where I am comfortable, I am often looked to as the leader.
    If academic support is made available on campus at no cost, I would regularly take advantage of it.
    If academic support is made available on campus at no cost, I would regularly take advantage of it.
    I plan to use Portland State’s Financial Wellness Center to proactively plan how I will pay for my education.
    I plan to use Portland State’s Financial Wellness Center to proactively plan how I will pay for my education.