Contact Cassidy, MS in Real Estate Ambassador

    Cassidy is a current student in the MS in Real Estate program with an expected graduation date of Spring 2025.

    "Hi! I started my PSU journey as an Athletic & Outdoor Industry student and have since transitioned to the MSRE Program. I am a business owner of a company called Excessa (Making Exercise Accessible) and owe a huge thanks for my success to the faculty and staff at Portland State. I have been in the Incubator program with the Center for Entrepreneurship and graduated to the Accelerator program. The MSRE has given me the tools to speak the language of my clients to be able to best serve them. Not only does the education translate directly to my career, but the networking and connections have been invaluable."

    What are you looking to do with a graduate business degree?
    What are you looking to do with a graduate business degree?